Ceremonial Adornments for the Blossoming Rose Woman
coming soon
Woven for the ceremony of woman.
From the moment of our first bleed, we enter the ceremony of woman. We are initiated into the cyclical rhythm of becoming and unbecoming. We are welcomed into the spiral of life, death, and rebirth—a dance that invites us to shed all that is untrue by the cycles of the moon.
It is no small thing to die and be reborn.
This journey may be difficult in the beginning. For our womb reveals all that has lived beneath the surface and invites us to let go of all falsehoods. With presence, devotion, and a willingness to unfurl into the depths of our feminine wisdom, this time can become a shamanic journey in itself.
When we bleed, we are welcomed into the circle of ancestral wisdom as we sit with the grandmothers of our lineage.
Our blood is our direct connection to our ancestors. It holds the memory of their songs, prayers, and dreams. All of this to say, our moontime is a deeply profound and healing ceremony for us to come home to.
With deep reverence for our wombs and our grandmothers, I offer these ceremonial adornments as a living prayer of remembrance, ancestral healing, and homecoming to your womanhood.
⊹ Ceremonial Adornments
“I am so grateful I received one of your creations. I feel the prayer every time I wear them.”
“Chauntelle's weavings are truly something channeled from the universe.”
“A flower that blooms in adversity is the most beautiful of all.”
— Mulan