Guiding women into power, purpose, and prayer as we traverse the liminal spaces of transformation.



and I am here to help you root into the unwavering remembrance of who you are as a woman.

With whole hearted devotion, I am here to offer you my presence and to honor the sacred journey you walk as a woman.

We, as women, are intricately woven into the tapestry of rhythmic tides and cyclical renewal. We are in a perpetual dance of becoming and unbecoming, rising and resting.

As we traverse these liminal spaces of our metamorphosis, I intend to meet you exactly where you are and guide you into the wisdom within your transformation.

I am here to support your homecoming to womanhood — to help you root into your inner authority, authentic expression, and unwavering remembrance of who you are as a woman.

What is revealed in the quiet of our hearts, as we kneel before what has burdened us and what beauty we behold is the medicine within.

As we heal our greatest wounds become our greatest gifts.

Who I am…

I am Chauntelle Atcheynum, a Plains Cree Woman from Sweetgrass First Nation in Saskatchewan. I am led here by listening—to my heart, to my suffering, to my inner knowing.

As a Shamanic Guide and Practitioner, my work is devoted to assisting women in traversing the liminal spaces of transformation.

Why? I am continually humbled by the sacred unfolding of woman in all her cycles: birth, growth, death, and rebirth.

I recognize the unshakeable power of the feminine that is expressed in her surrender to what is—especially when she acknowledges that what is to come must follow the cycle of dying to what has been.

This spiral dance has long fascinated me. After years of spiraling into the unknown, revisiting old patterns, gathering fragmented parts of my being, I discovered my own rhythm. I learned to meet the phases of my life with ever-deepening awareness.

What once felt like an endless hamster wheel became a liberated path—one that leads me deeper into my own evolution, healing, and homecoming.

This is why I am here—to walk alongside women as they, too, find their rhythm, embrace their unfolding, and step onto their own liberated path of transformation.


Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is a holistic practice that works with the body's energetic systems to restore balance, clear blockages, and support healing.

By opening to channel universal life force energy, we nurture the full spectrum of our being. As we attune our system to the natural harmonics of earth and sky, we open pathways for subtle yet profound shifts to take place.

Energy medicine helps us to create a clear channel for divine presence, enabling us to receive and align with the guidance, love, and wisdom of Creator.

Shamanic Dreaming

Shamanic Dreaming is an ancient practice that uses dreams and altered states of consciousness to access the subconscious mind for insight and information. This practice facilitates the transformation and healing of deeply held emotional patterns, limiting beliefs, and unconscious programming.

The primary tool for Shamanic Dreaming is Journeying. Through sound, guided visualisation and meditation we open pathways of communication—with our soul, guides, ancestors, and Spirit.


Dreamweaving is the art of creating a bridge between the dream world and waking reality. This process taps into the power of focused intention, belief, and energetic alignment to bring one's dreams to life.

Within this context, Dreamweavings are prayerfully woven earrings guided by the dream within your heart.

These adornments are intended to serve as a tangible expression of your dream’s wisdom, carrying its energy and intention into daily life.


listen with your heart

If listening to your heart has lead you here and you feel the call to dive into remembrance together…

Let's begin.